Unveiling the Omnivorous Side: Do Squirrels Eat Meat?

 Squirrels are known for their nimble acrobatics and their affinity for nuts and seeds. However, have you ever wondered if squirrels have a taste for meat? In this blog, we will explore the intriguing dietary habits of squirrels and determine whether these furry creatures incorporate meat into their meals. Join us as we unravel the truth about squirrels and their potential omnivorous tendencies.

Primarily Herbivorous Diet:

First and foremost, it's important to note that squirrels are primarily herbivorous. Their diet mainly consists of nuts, seeds, fruits, buds, flowers, and various plant matter. Squirrels are equipped with specialized teeth for gnawing on tough plant material, and their digestive systems are well-adapted to process plant-based foods efficiently.

Opportunistic Behaviors:

While squirrels are predominantly herbivores, they are opportunistic creatures. This means that in certain circumstances, they may exhibit flexible feeding habits. When presented with limited food sources or faced with scarcity, squirrels have been known to broaden their dietary choices to include items not typically found in their natural diet.

Insects and Invertebrates:

Insects and invertebrates are occasional additions to a squirrel's menu. Squirrels may consume insects, such as beetles, caterpillars, and ants, if they come across them during foraging or if other food sources are scarce. However, it's worth noting that the consumption of insects is relatively rare and does not make up a significant portion of their diet.

Opportunistic Meat Consumption:

While it is uncommon, there have been observations of squirrels consuming small birds, eggs, or even carrion in certain situations. These instances are considered opportunistic and are typically associated with food scarcity or when squirrels encounter easily accessible protein sources. However, it's important to emphasize that these occurrences are not a regular part of a squirrel's natural diet.

Nutritional Needs and Natural Behavior:

Squirrels have evolved to efficiently extract energy from plant-based foods. Their digestive systems and dentition are well-suited for processing and deriving nutrients from a herbivorous diet. While they may occasionally consume small amounts of animal matter, their nutritional requirements are primarily met through plant-based sources.


Squirrels are predominantly herbivorous creatures, with a diet centered around nuts, seeds, fruits, and plant material. While they have been observed consuming insects and, on rare occasions, small birds or carrion, these occurrences are considered opportunistic and not a significant part of their natural diet. Squirrels have evolved to thrive on plant-based foods, and their biology is adapted to efficiently process and derive nutrients from such sources. So, while the idea of squirrels eating meat may be intriguing, it remains an exception rather than the norm in their feeding behavior.
